Wednesday, September 14, 2011

How many Neocon/Republicans does it take to change a lightbulb?

None!!! ~ They have chosen to remain in the dark!!!How many Neocon/Republicans does it take to change a lightbulb?'s not their fault it isn't working. Clinton should change it.How many Neocon/Republicans does it take to change a lightbulb?They would have an illegal do it.How many Neocon/Republicans does it take to change a lightbulb?I like that. I also like some of the other answers here. Funny. But, you'll be yelled at and attacked. Good luck.How many Neocon/Republicans does it take to change a lightbulb?NONE! They have all the money so they simply hire a libtard to do it for them. Way to go lackey.How many Neocon/Republicans does it take to change a lightbulb?How many Democrats does it take to change a lightbulb?

Answer: 5,446....

14 Senate aides to appear on the Sunday morning news shows denying that the bulb is burned out.

8 Senate aides to blame the current administration.

4 major news anchors to call the Republicans mean-spirited.

243 children to stand behind Daschle as he explains the impact of burned-out bulbs on our children and how the mean-spirited Republicans want our children to grow up in darkness.

1 Ex-First Lady Senator to say that changing the light bulb takes a village.

9 Hollywood stars to testify as experts because they played a movie role in which they changed light bulbs.

15 DNC spin doctors to put the best light on it.

103 U.S. Representatives to tell us that only Washington D.C. really knows how to change a light bulb.

1 Ex-President to tell us that he feels our darkness and has 18 new federal programs to prevent burned-out light bulbs, and that he has vivid memories of black light bulbs burning out during his childhood in Arkansas.

42 cruise missiles to take the heat off the burned-out bulb.

1 campaign advisor to recommend the use of red light bulbs.

1 Ex-Vice President to inform us of the environmental impact of changing a light bulb.

2 Democrat advisors to devise a tax on those who are unfairly able to change their own light bulbs.

1 deceased White House lawyer who can be blamed for anything that can't be pinned on the Republicans.

1 White House ghost who can retrieve the light bulb files that no one else knows anything about.

And 5,000 bureaucrats to make sure that the bulb is changed correctly, doesn't offend anyone, doesn't impact the environment, doesn't unfairly benefit one group, doesn't harm anyone during the installation, and is up to 1945 specifications for light bulbs.How many Neocon/Republicans does it take to change a lightbulb?Well first they have to write a statement of work, followed by the the bidding process which is silly since Haliburten will win the light bulb changing contract. Then they award the multi-billion dollar contract to haliburten then someone changes the light bulb.

With all that said we are looking at 1 person to write the statment of work, 30 people award the contract then 10 people to cut the check and 1 contractor from haliburtin to change the light bulb

So thats a grand total of 42 Neocon/Republicans to change one light bulbHow many Neocon/Republicans does it take to change a lightbulb?Typical brain dead lib nothing to say about anything just attack. As if I needed proof that your statement was stupid KooKoo Bananas liked it.How many Neocon/Republicans does it take to change a lightbulb?Good one !

Hadn't heard that one yet.

Keep'm coming.How many Neocon/Republicans does it take to change a lightbulb?When are you going to give solutions to problems. The solutions need to be thought out to include the consequences. Are you too much in the dark to understand you've been challenged to think %26amp; use that enlightened brain you are so proud of.How many Neocon/Republicans does it take to change a lightbulb?Angry American has my vote! lol !!