If I grip the bulb any harder the glass will shatter. How can I loosen the bulb and remove it from the lightsocket without breaking the bulb?How to change a lightbulb that's screwed in too tightly?First turn off the power switch to that connection in the electrical box. While unscrewing the light bulb you will need to wear heavy duty gloves in the event the bulb does break. If it does then use small pliers that will grip the metal of the broken bulb and try to twist it loose. It worked for me and I'm a blond. Just had to add that tidbit!How to change a lightbulb that's screwed in too tightly?Grab the bulb with a towel to protect your hand and while twisting rock it back and forth. this should do it. I have had to do it before and it works.How to change a lightbulb that's screwed in too tightly?If you have to turn off the power and break the bulb. Then take a potato and cut it in half and push it up onto the broken glass. Usually that potato will cut into the jagged glass and you can just twist the base of the bulb out with the potato. I know it sounds weird but i have seen it work. Only do this as a last resort however.How to change a lightbulb that's screwed in too tightly?Try the suggestion about wrapping your hand in a towel and wiggling it...
If this doesn't work and there really is no alternative, I would wrap two or three plastic bags around the bulb and then break it. Once you have removed the broken glass, and the lightswitch is OFF you can unscrew it by using a pair of needlenose pliers to grip the metal part.How to change a lightbulb that's screwed in too tightly?You just might have to break the bulb to remove it. Try getting a better grip on it by wrapping a piece of rubber around it. If the bulb breaks get a raw carrot and slice it then stick it on what's left and use it to unscrew the base.
If the socket is corroded you just might need to get a new one. They're cheap and not that hard to replace.How to change a lightbulb that's screwed in too tightly?I'd put a heavy duty tight fitting rubber glove on and get a step ladder if necessary to get the bulb at my shoulder level or so if possible. Then with the wall switch off (light off) and safety glasses on, I'd spray some WD-40 lubricant directly into the visible bulb thread areas using the red soda straw applicator on the spray can to direct the spray up into the socket as much as possible. Finally, grab ahold of the bulb after wiping the excess WD-40 off the glass and unscrew the bulb. Keep the safety glasses on to protect your eyes if the bulb breaks, but now you won't be afraid of the bulb breaking. The heavy rubber glove will protect your hand.How to change a lightbulb that's screwed in too tightly?Turn off the power to the socket just in case it does break. Take a couple lengths of duct tape and clean around the base of the bulb just before the metal and after that place the tape around the bulb. This will add some strength to the glass and provide some traction for you.
Get a hand towel or wash rag damp so you get some traction and wrap it once around the bulb at the tape and leave the ends free in your hand. Use the loose ends to pull against the bulb and use it for leverage. This should pop the bulb loose and if it breaks you will not cut yourself.
If it does break make sure the power is shut off and use a pair of pliers or 2 screwdrivers to pull the metal seat out. One ecrewdriver is set against the bottom and the other is used to stick into the side of the seat while pulling against the other to pull the seat free. Once you break it loose you can do it by hand. Good luck with that.How to change a lightbulb that's screwed in too tightly?Use masking tape to secure a plastic bag over the bulb- and like all said turn off power at circuit breaker. if it is in the ceiling. A lamp just unplug it. Then take an oven mitt and gently twist left right left right and wobble gently. It should come out. If not break that sucker and remove base with pliers. If socket is corroded- replace it. if not - when putting in a new bulb run it through your hair- that small amount of oil helps.How to change a lightbulb that's screwed in too tightly?Wrap electrical tape around the lamp a few times then reverse the tape so the sticky side is out. Use leather gloves. If you twist the lamp from the socket you will have to take it out with a needle-nose pliers. A little WD-40 won't hurt. Don't tighten the lamp so tight next time. Besides making the lamp hard to remove, you can mash the hot contact down flat and it may not make contact on the next lamp. You can pull it back up, but why have to?
Make sure power is off to fixture.How to change a lightbulb that's screwed in too tightly?I'm so glad you asked! It has happened to me several times, I have ended up breaking the bulb and using needle-nosed pliers while muttering away to myself. So I've tried to record all these suggestions in my brain. The duct tape seems very interesting, and the plastic bag as well to catch the broken glass.