Wednesday, November 24, 2010

How does a feminist change a lightbulb?

Obvious Answer: She holds the bulb to the socket and waits for the world to turn around her.

I am looking for other answers that are true.How does a feminist change a lightbulb?Answer: By herself.How does a feminist change a lightbulb?She gets Brian J to do it for her.How does a feminist change a lightbulb?In this one porno i have it is electric.... yeah!!How does a feminist change a lightbulb?You are so funny - thats just thigh slapping amusing!! No I am sorry I cant think of any others that just sums it up - if you were ignorant and stupidHow does a feminist change a lightbulb?She pulls a new one out of your ash, because that's where all of your bright ideas come from.How does a feminist change a lightbulb?There has to be four, One to insert the bulb and the other three to spin the ladder.How does a feminist change a lightbulb?Hears an answer thats true, You are a moron, Righty tighty, Lefty loosey. anyone can do it even you. You dont need a feminist to do it for you!How does a feminist change a lightbulb?wow. you come with this by yerself?