First she would spend $100000 on a more appropriate outfit.
Then she would shoot the old light bulb off with an elephant gun.
Then she would climb on the backs of the poor to reach the socket and put a 2000watt bulb in to show support for the energy companies.How would Sarah Palin change a lightbulb?Nope. All wrong. She would simply ask the Maverick, John McCain to do it. He's a maverick you know. He does mavericky things all day long. Part of the Maverick club, he is!
Or maybe she'd hop in a helicopter and shoot it from the sky.How would Sarah Palin change a lightbulb?probably just call joe plumber...he'd change it for herHow would Sarah Palin change a lightbulb?lol
but u got the second thing wrong she would drop a nuc on the country then she would climb on the backs of the poor to reach the socket and put a 2000watt bulb in to show support for the energy companies.How would Sarah Palin change a lightbulb?LMAO@first responseHow would Sarah Palin change a lightbulb? I don't know, I'll aska How would Sarah Palin change a lightbulb?she climb's on the back of Obama??How would Sarah Palin change a lightbulb?duh..where is my gun and is light bulb a endangered animal...
but first i have to shop for right outfit...
no no i am not spending my money, its yours, you dumbhead tax payers...How would Sarah Palin change a lightbulb?joe six pack will help her.How would Sarah Palin change a lightbulb?All these politicians needing to change lightbulbs. Just means they are all in the dark.
And your jokes are still not funny! How would Sarah Palin change a lightbulb?That sounds about right, very good. I couldn`t improve on that...lolHow would Sarah Palin change a lightbulb?First she buys a $10000000 dress and matching Accessories for $4385722 then buy a helicopter fly it then get a top of the range gun and shoot it then hire someone to clean up the glass then thinks I can pay someone to do this and does just that.How would Sarah Palin change a lightbulb?Okay......first of all the clothes were loaned and will be donated after Nov 4 and secondly there's nothing wrong with a woman and her gun...third...don't you have better things to do right now? Go out and vote early since you have made up your mind and be done with it.
And case you're wondering, I am not a McCain/Palin supporter.How would Sarah Palin change a lightbulb?First off, she didn't spend 100,000 for clothing. The Republican party bought the clothes, and she will donate them to charity after the election is over. Are you Obama FOLLOWERS really so desperate that you continually have to harp on Sarah Palin? Sarah Palin has more sense in her little toe than Barry Obamabinladen has in his big ole coconut head. Read up on your prized candidate. You probably don't even know anything about him or why you are voting for him. Also, don't believe the liberal media.....remember the pathetic prediction that Kerry and Gore were going to win, too. How about that big DA Biden. Does he ever answer a question correctly?